Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scarlet Fair

An improvisational tune in the form of a lion,
A mountain of gold and a deep side of silk
Tell me who found me when rolling down hills
Tears and salt and horoscopes dripping of fluorescence
Spices and herbs with the sun and the shade
The friends of friends who know the Earth
It's been a long time since the road found me
The road found a hand and came to life with me in its grasp
Flutes with swirls of vision, confusion and wisdom
The blandness forever accepted in the state of the spirit
The bliss of eternity and the fetus of today
A star winked with a hush of wind
The love and the stellar, the food and the wine
Smoking and sucking the black fog of vine
Answering to one, and all, the truth that isn't
A treasure of hope and a sight of the blind
Twisted seeds of dreams in the day, awake
Flashed to split me all to pieces
Naked in the abyss and yet
Cloaked in the transcendent.

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